Learning about Tea

As tea bushes are plucked weekly, an expert taster can almost identify a particular week's weather in a tea-growing area from the taste of the leaves.

Even though an understanding of the characteristics and background of individual teas can help a drinker find the right type of organic Fairtrade tea you must remember that tea drinking is an immensely personal thing. Everyone has their favourite organic tea, their preferred way of brewing, even their own special cup or mug from which to drink it.

We find that after tasting organic Fairtrade teas - where they are brewed double strength - we long for an organic Fairtrade Assam tea with a little milk or an organic white tea (such as Pai mu Tan) to clear the palette. Or on a blustery autumn/ fall day, we love a warming cup of organic chai. But be adventurous and never be ashamed of your favourite brew!

Nearly all the organic Fairtrade tea we drink in Europe and America is black (fermented) organic tea from India, Sri Lanka and Africa. We will also talk about green and semi fermented oolong China teas.