27 May 2010
Visit to Milk Shake Bar in Ripon

Yesterday evening, the Steenberg family finally went to visit the milk bar in Ripon. It was a treat after we took the kids to Evensong in Ripon Cathedral on Monday evening for the Whit Monday service; that was beautiful with the service sung by the boys and girls choir of Ripon Cathedral, who mainly come from the choristers at Ripon Cathedral Choir School. The Archbishop of York, who is very cool, gave the sermon - all about repentance - and blessed the congregation. He's definitely a hero with his outspoken views against Robert Mugabe.
Shake Up! is a neat, small shop on Westgate, and although there's no real place for parking, everyone simply parks on the double yellow lines outside. The decor is as you would expect a light pink painted wall, and then inside it's sparse and utilitarian - a counter and then shelves with every type of sweet or biscuit that every parent wouldn't want their kids to eat. The aura is 1960s nostalgia, with the feel of English seaside resorts.
The whole experience was indulgent and - as a treat - allowed everyone to enjoy everything they're not normally allowed. The milk shakes are made from milk, ice cream and then any of a huge array of flavours you want. The cost starts at a mere £2.20 - what huge value. We went for the following 3 flavours - Toblerone, Skittles and Oreo (all differently not mushed together), but you can be healthy and have banana from real bananas and other fruits, however that would have missed the point.
Did they taste good - yes, and the kids are already planning what evil, unhealthy concotion to have next.
My advice: go there, be tempted and enjoy yourself.