19 September 2016
Dear BT, Are You Still There?

Dear BT
Please BT can we have our phone line back. You tried to transfer our phones to a new building (11 Hallikeld Close) last week but could not do the engineering work, so we arranged for a divert on our lines to a mobile; mobile signal is not great out here in the styx, but it allowed us to keep going. But now you've cut us off, deleting our phone number of many years, a typing error no doubt in one of your databases. Can we have our number back, please, that would be a great start?
Please BT could you, also, ring us back. We've been trying to talk with you for over a week now, but strangely your phones don't seem to work and we never get the promised for call backs. It seems you're not happy to talk things through, or sort out the mess you've made with the business move - to me it seems quite simple, if only you'd let us explain. I did manage to speak to the Project Manager briefly, but he said he'd something Higher Priority to do - thanks, that was a special moment - and then deleted our phone number. Must be something we did.
Please could you check the contract we signed with BT back in May. You don't seem to be able to find it, but I've got a copy that shows me what we ordered quite clearly; it came by email. Your accounts team seem to have a copy because they've been billing us and taking the cash by direct debit straightaway for the kit we've not got (Avaya system and phones) and the service we've never been provided. I can even give your the contract number.
Let's just talk. But don't ring our phone number, because you cut that off. Perhaps a letter would be best, because I don't seem to get your emails either.
PS The broadband's great. Just need voice to be routed down the fibre.
UPDATE on 21 September 2016
We have our phone number back - hooray. This is currently being routed through Sophie's mobile phone but at least no longer getting this number is not recognised! Temporarily we've switched our fax line to being a phone line so if you'd like to call us we're on 01765 640101. There is a plan in place to sort the whole system out, but no timeframe as yet. Please bear with us. We are still here and are doing our best to respond in a timely fashion.